Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Date Had A Great Time And I Didn't - How Do I Tell Him/Her?

Have you ever been out on a date with someone and it didn't go so hot? What if you got a text later that night from your date telling you how much fun she/he had? How do you tell someone that you didn't have as much on your date that they did? This isn't going to be easy, but the truth is best if it comes out now instead of later.

The Problem Will Not Go Away

Many people's first reaction when faced with this dilemma will be to simply not contact the person again. This of course is easy if you don't mind hurting the other person. However, if your date had a great time and you didn't and you suddenly stop contacting them, that is going to hurt much worse than the truth ever would.

For that reason, it is always best to let the other person down easy. It's good for karma, it'll make you feel better and it'll at least give the other person closure as to why the relationship didn't work.

Now, you have a decision to make. Do you want to see this person again? Don't be so rash to kick the person out of your life forever. There must be some reason why the two of you went out. Was it a physical attraction or was there something more? Why didn't you two have a good date? Was it situational? Was the restaurant too busy? Was the food awful? Or was your date simply boring?

Before you contact the other person, think very hard as to why the date didn't go as planned. If you do want to see the other person, you'll want to ask them out again. You will also want to mention the bad date.

If You Do Want To See The Person Again

The moment the person texts or tells you that they had a great time, tell them that you didn't. Just come out and say it. You can say something along the lines of, "You had a great time? Me? Not so much." Of course they are going to wonder why. You can decide to tell them or you can simply say, "I'd just like to try again if that's ok." The other person will want to make the date extra special and it's much more likely to go as planned this time.

If You Don't Want To See the Person

Depending on how you feel more comfortable, you should pick up the phone and call or text the other person to say that you are sorry, but you're just not interested in them at this time. You don't have to mention the bad date if it's not obvious. If your date chews with their mouth open, you don't have to tell them about their bad manners if you don't want to. Of course, telling them will help them improve, which could help them improve their chances at finding a match later on.

Or you can simply tell them that you're not interested and that you'd like to see other people. Most people will leave it at that and you'll be able to end things easily while providing the much needed closure the other person wants and deserves.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

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