Saturday, July 14, 2012

Basic Dating Do's and Do Not's: Just in Case You Don't Already Know

Everyone has had their experience with a bad date here and there. Maybe you didn't feel the chemistry with that person or you just could not get a good conversation going without it being awkward. It can really be frustrating at times, but it should not stop you from going on to meet new people and hopefully find that right one. Let's look at what the basic dating do's and don'ts are just in case you really don't know.

Don't date someone that you don't feel an attraction to. People will tell you all sorts of things, but date people that you like. He or she may have a great car or they may be extremely good looking, but if they are not your type, don't do it. Just because someone is nice looking does not mean you're going to be into them. Follow your gut and go with dating someone that you really feel that genuine attraction to.

Don't look at other guys or girls that you find attractive when you are out on a date. It's not only rude but it's not a very smart idea. If you want to be looking at other people, you should have gone out on your own instead of on a date. Be into the person you're on a date with and focus your attention on them.

Do feel confident on your date and do have a great time. Be a bit flirty and have an open and fun conversation with your date. Don't act like you're all clingy and need attention because that's going to be a turn off for your date. Relax and enjoy the company of your date. Show your date how interesting you can be and how much fun you are.

Dating agencies can be great ways to meet people too. When using dating agencies to meet someone there are some do's and don'ts you should keep in mind as well.

Do give the dating agency an up to date picture of yourself and one that shows you smiling. Someone looking for a date wants to see a person who looks happy and looks like they are fun to be around.

Do give the dating agency a unique profile about yourself. Give some interesting details so someone wants to find out a lot more about you and always say positive things.

Don't tell your date that you are tired of the dating scene or tell them about all your bad dates. Try to always say positive things with your new date.

Don't talk about your ex's. This is a no-no on a date. This is going to give your date the impression that you are not over the ex and not ready to move on. Keep the conversation on the both of you and learning about each other.

All in all, go out and have a great time on your date. Relax, have fun and learn all you can about this potential next person in your life.

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